Day 4
Day Four has two distinct parts. In the morning, a great deal of time is spent on culture and cultural competence, and well as power and privilege. It is important for coaches to be able to “reach” the people they provide services to, understanding their stories and what their obstacles might. The second half of the day introduces the concept of Recovery Capitol, and its importance in this role of recovery coach. Participants are given time to create lists of local resources in their own recovery community and learn when to make a referral.
Increase awareness of culture, power & privilege; Understand the concept of Recovery Capital and its importance in recovery coaching
Welcome, Agenda and Reconnection
Culture and Cultural Competence
Power and Privilege
Power Walk
The CCAR Experience
Making a Referral
Building Recovery Capital
Resources Available to Us
Researching Additional Resources
Click on the PDF to view and download the Pre-Work for Day 4